It is not always easy to be mentally treated - but it is very rewarding because the path to long-term mental health, inner satisfaction
and more quality of life leads.


In addition to the treatment of your symptoms, psychological psychotherapy also deals with the causes that are hidden in the subconscious


You will experience a very appreciative attitude at eye level, no matter with what complaints, thoughts and mental illnesses they come to me - guaranteed!


Psychotherapy relieves your emotional distress, strengthens your self-confidence and promotes mental health - if you bring patience, trust and hope

My therapy services with appreciative instinct

With my therapy offers I meet all the requirements of professional psychotherapy, with sound, multi-year training and extensive professional and life experience
Your mental health problems just do not decrease? Well-intentioned advice from friends or professionals will not help you any further? Your mental stress is slowly developing into a mental illness? And your body, mind and soul have not been in harmony for a while? Then I recommend a psychotherapeutic treatment! To prevent a permanent chronification of these mental limitations, you should not wait any longer! On the one hand, my therapeutic work and work is shaped by the self-healing powers according to the principles of psychotherapy (also called client-centered psychotherapy) according to Carl R. Rogers. On the other hand, my deep psychology-based psychotherapy training plays a major role in my therapy work. Here, in particular, the psychodynamic background and causes of a mental illness are considered in more detail. Due to my many years of professional experience in clinics, I have also learned to appreciate some approaches to behavioral therapy. Thus, you can benefit from my holistic, therapeutic approach, as there is an individualized treatment plan for every person, every psychological problem and every mental illness. Therefore, take a look at my offers for single, (married) couples and family therapy, as well as for group therapy in small or large groups. Because "therapeutic speech" helps and relieves - guaranteed!

Request a consultation appointment


Psychotherapy individual

Therapy talk individual 50min


one hour of conversation (50min)
with one person

Ideal for the first patient history and to discuss your illness

helpful and clarifying
make an appointment
Therapy talk individual 75min


one and a half hour (75min) with one person

Ideal for discussing your problem with a detailed history taking of your medical history and
profound diagnostic position

detailed and profound
make an appointment
Therapy talk individual 100min


double conversation hour (100min) with one person

Ideal for discussing your problem with a comprehensive history taking of your medical history, biographical history of your life history,
with diagnosis position and healing
Therapy interventions

comprehensive and healing
make an appointment

(EHE) pair therapy

Therapy talk marriage (couple) 50min


one hour of conversation (50min)
with two persons

Ideal for discussing your (marriage) couple problem with a short relationship history

enlightening and discreet
make an appointment
Therapy talk marriage (couple) 75min


one and a half hours of conversation (75min)
with two persons

Ideal for discussing your (married) couple disorder with a detailed history taking of your relationship history and profound diagnosis status

detailed and profound
make an appointment
Therapy talk marriage (couple) 100min


double conversation hour (100min) with two persons

Ideal for discussing your (marriage) couple problem with a comprehensive anamnesis survey of your relationship history, biographical anamnesis of both life stories,
Extensive Diagnosis Position and Healing
(Married) couples therapy interventions

comprehensive and healing
make an appointment

Family therapy

Therapy talk Family 50min


one hour of conversation (50min)
with three to five people

Ideal for the first discussion of your family problem with a short relationship history and clarification of the current family dynamics

child friendly and discreet
make an appointment
Therapy talk Family 75min


one and a half hours of conversation (75min)
with three to five people

Ideal for discussing your family problem with a detailed history taking of your family history,
and profound diagnostic position

detailed and profound
make an appointment
Therapy talk family 100min


double conversation hour (100min)
with three to five people

Ideal for discussing your family problem with a comprehensive history-taking of your relationship history, biographical history of the life stories of all participating family members,
Extensive Diagnosis Position and Healing
Family therapy interventions

comprehensive and healing
make an appointment

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My therapy offer has convinced you and you would like to make an appointment?
Then please send me the completed application form. It's nice to meet you :-)
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