

Dear visitor,
my name isYou are welcome on the Website of my practice for Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy,
You probably did not land on my homepage by accident and are looking for something very specific. That's why you will find here a first overview of my services, For more information, just click on the respective offer.

"It's not our ability to show who we are!
It's our decisions! "

I hope you find what you are looking for here - the right person to speak with confidence and in an appreciative way about sensitive issues and oppressed feelings, as you have always wanted. If your gut feeling is good, take this opportunity and decide to have a first conversation with me. Those who are looking for something - finding something suitable - recognizing and deciding on the opportunity, have a very great opportunity to change something and to shape their lives the way they wish!

Your mental health is an important building block on the way to a fulfilled life,

Sincerely yours

Alexander Kikiela

My services at a glance

Psychological counseling

Psychological individual counseling

Clarification of your questions and difficulties in the individual consultation on topics from your private, family or professional life. Often a few consultations help to reevaluate a difficult problem and tackle it in a solution-oriented manner.

Couples and marriage counseling

There are difficulties in their relationship? Or you have to clear a burdening matter with your partner? Seek the mutual couple talk with the psychologist to conduct an "objective relationship check" and clarify where their relationship is currently! Or to put an unpleasant matter between the two of you out of the way once and for all.

Family and parenting advice

The family is a very important asset and several family members from young to old are interrelated. That's why every now and then clarifying discussions are necessary so that the family structure is "running smoothly" again. In the family counseling I am happy to answer any questions about your current family situation and we will find a solution together.


individual therapy

You feel that something has been wrong with you for some time? they thinkthat a counseling interview is not enough because your emotional suffering has become too great? Then arrange an individual therapy appointment with me.It's nice to meet you.

Couple and marriage therapy

Your partnership or marriage has been in deep crisis for a long time and is about to go out? With in-depth couple and marriage therapy, you can find your way back to a rational communication culture and find supportive love and mutual trust.
Also, the true realization that you really do not fit together can be very liberating and can guide a break-up so that you diverge as friends rather than enemies.

family therapy

You urgently need professional help with a serious problem in your family eg with your child? Family Therapy supports you therapeutically in the treatment of profound family conflicts and mental illness in the family!

Online Counseling & Online Therapy

There are several reasons why someone can not or does not want to go to the therapist on the spot. Nevertheless, there is an urgent need for discussion! Therefore, I offer all my counseling and therapy services (single, couple and family talks) in the form of Online Counseling and Online Therapy (Phone or Skype).

Your contact to me :-)
for general inquiries

Please use this contact form when you General questions to have me.
I'll get back to you soon.

Do you want one binding appointment then please use this appointment form under contact and dates or click here , Many Thanks

I am looking forward to hearing from you :-)

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